Monday, November 17, 2008

Trouble in Paradise

Gods ears must be ringing, 'cos let me tell you, there's one helluva lot of peeved-off chicks down here. And they're not being quiet about.

Whoever said Muslim women were submissive should take a look at the complaints going top-side, and it's all becaise of these snarfy Hur al ayn. Apparently they're all gorgeous, with magnificent boobs 'that do not sag' (I kid you not) and large lusturous eyes and when you're a meanie to your hubby they tell you not to be a grot because they're waiting for him in jannah (they're obviously oblivious to his boep and toe-nail picking habit) and, to compound matters, the male of the species get 70 of these beauts if they're really good.

Now honey, I dont intend to watch any heavenly cat-fights, should I ever get up there, but the claws have been drawn and looks like insaan is going for blood in round one.

I have heard and read every kind of complaint from "Allah favours the male sex" na oodhu billah to "what if I dont want my husband to have other wives in Jannah?". And I have one question to all people who ever ask questions that they know is going to be a mission for them to comprehend; Can you not just accept that you will never ever ever ever fully comprehend Allah's wisdom???

Dudettes, I ask you, in all honesty - do you really believe that your Maker - the One who is closer to you than your jugular vein, Who loves you 70 times more than your own mama - is going to give you a raw deal in Paradise?

Do you think you're going to be the same limited person that you are here? And that you will have to make sacrifices over there? For real?

Let me just put your mind at ease; the learned say that Jannah is a place beyond all our imaginings. Is it really worth it for us to start fighting the whole feminist fight from now (This is without any guarantees of us getting there), and with God nogal.

Get over it

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